
Ice Dams

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Problem: Ice Dams. Icicles may be pretty, but they can be a real headache: ice dams can cause thousands of dollars in structural and cosmetic damages, and preventing them may be easier than you think

Solution: Ice dams are caused by warm air escaping through air leaks from your home to your roof. The warm air melts the snow on your roof, which then drips down to the edge of the roof until it reaches the point just above the exterior wall and freezes again. As this process continues, this ice builds up until it begins to creep underneath shingles, melt once again, and drip into your home. This can cause up to tens of thousands of dollars in remediation costs -- your roof may need to be replaced, the drywall may need to be replaced and re-painted, mold may build up inside your walls, carpets, and furniture can be damaged, and rotten wood may pose structural risks.

Although removing the snow from your roof is a short-term solution, the way to prevent ice dams in the future is to prevent the transmission of heat from your living space to your roof by sealing all air leaks and upgrading insulation. Our process begins with a home energy audit, which pinpoints deficiencies in your home's thermal envelope by using an infrared scanner to identify air leaks and insufficient insulation; followed by air sealing and insulation improvements to ensure that your home will remain ice-dam-free for decades to come.


Energy Efficiency
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